Tag: studying

Hardwork Dedication

Hi guys,

Sorry for being out for a long time. Winter semester is really tough. It begun from two subjects: Digital Marketing and Pricing, and three more is to come from Monday, the 18th of February.

Digital Marketing was quite clear, maybe because I spent last two years doing marketing activities in Internet for different companies; maybe because we are all digital natives and all these are stuff inside our blood. Pricing might be difficult for guys without financial background; be ready to spend several hours in order to understand all materials, furthermore, some lectures are only available for self-studying. For one part of our syndicate group it became like a ‘good’ tradition to leave the library at midnight.

Spring Term

Hey all,

So after only a short weekend break (I think many of us could have used a week-long break) the time came to start the second semester, the spring term of my MSc. This module we’ll be following five different courses, one of which will last the whole semester, and the other four half a semester. I now following Health Economics, Management Challenges, and Managing Change and Innovation. Let me give you a brief overview of what it’s about:

Health Economics: as the name already says so, you will be studying economics. Mostly related to health care, but also a lot of wider applicable topics such as supply and demand curves.

The experiment revisited…

I am deeply sorry for the delay but, as you know, we are always busy at Imperial College 😉 Yet, I’d still like to share my experiences on my previously announced “experiment”, which took place during the Christmas holidays.

As you know, we had only three weeks to study for our exams, which is nothing regarding the amount of readings and lecture slides we were supposed to absorb. So, the main task when you start your revision is to come up with a good plan how to proceed! Since you are short of time, you’ll need to structure your study materials and differentiate between “very important”, “important” and “less important” parts.

Merry Christmas from Amsterdam!

Hi all,

Just a short post to wish you all a happy Christmas from Amsterdam. I hope that you all have had a wonderful Christmas eve; unfortunately, we had no snow here on Christmas eve, just rain.. Anyway, if you are applying for Imperial, be prepared that your Christmas break will be filled with studying. Seriously. Studying is what you will do during your break. Of course you’ll have (to make) time to meet up with some friends and see your family etcetera, but don’t expect to be chilling next to the Christmas tree and not think of your course work at all, haha!

Whoohoo Whoohoo Evacuate the Dancefl-eh-Library!

The fire alarm went off in the library this morning, meaning we all had to leave the building and wait outside until the situation was resolved. It is incredible how many people are already at the Imperial library around 11am as you can see on the pictures.