Session four – preparing to share what we’ve learned

Week four of the science club was all about the children recapping on what they had learned in the previous weeks, and preparing materials for a show-and-tell with their families in week 5.

One group practiced arranging the organs of the digestive system. They managed to get everything assembled correctly in under 5 seconds! They also prepared a poster on the gut microbiome.


Working through how the digestive system works. Edible poo will be required next week!


Marine helped one group draft a scientific poster, to present the results of their farting experiments. The poster is going to be printed professionally to look like a proper conference poster. 🙂

We were really impressed with how much the children remembered from the first three sessions, and loved how enthusiastic they were to share what they had learned with others. They seemed to really like the idea of professional conference posters. This is something we will use with all groups for the next run of the after-school science club (June–July 2018).

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