Website redesign: Data protection

I am sure you have heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR introduces a number of changes to the way that organisations hold and process personal data from 25 May.

At Imperial, the Legal Services Office have been busy raising awareness and working with various departments around the College. As part of this campaign, I have been working with the team to redevelop their online content.

The aim was to provide improved information and guidance for anyone who is working with personal data and make them aware of their responsibilities.

The old data protection pages

The old site contained lots of useful information, but was quite hard to navigate. The length and structure of the pages also made them very difficult to scan.

Data protection landing page before the redesign
Data protection landing page before the redesign

Auditing the content and making recommendations

As with all major website reviews, I ran an audit on the current content and then made a series of recommendations on which content could be kept, deleted or improved. This was followed by meetings with Legal Services to identify the main audiences and their needs. We also discussed the key messages they wanted to get across about GDPR.

As the timeframes were quite tight on this project there was not time for more extensive discovery work like card sorting or workshops. But based on the audit and stakeholder meetings, I defined a new structure (information architecture) for the content. I also made recommendations for page layouts and the use of different content types to optimise the content presentation and effectiveness.

The new website

The result was the new data protection site which was launched on 4 May.

New data protection pages launched on 7 May
New data protection pages

Legal Services will continue to make improvements to the content over the coming months and add new guidance based on feedback.

Need help and support with a new College website or redesign?

Are you planning a new website or want to audit and redesign an existing one? You can contact your Faculty Web Officer (FWO) in the first instance or contact me for any advice.

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