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My research aims to understand how the sensory world shapes neural circuits in the aged brain and explores how we might enhance function in old age.

I combine electrophysiology with optogenetics and in vivo imaging to measure neural activity at large ensembles of neurons during sensory driven plasticity.

After graduating from Oxford University in 2006 I was awarded an MRC Capacity building Ph.D. studentship at King’s College London (KCL) to investigate synapse loss and dementia in the cortex. I then completed a post-doc investigating how homeostatic plasticity regulates neural activity in the adult visual cortex at University College London (UCL). In October 2015, I won the Edmond J Safra Fellowship and started my group at the Division of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London. Here, I use a combination of voltage and calcium imaging, bioelectronics and electrophysiology to determine the mechanisms that allow neural circuits to encode multi-sensory experience in the aged cortex.