TCC: The local Langlands correspondence for GL_2

Summer Term, Thursdays 11-1
Dr. David Helm
672 Huxley

Useful Background

A basic familiarity with algebraic number theory and the theory of local fields will be very helpful. Local class field theory is definitely a prerequisite, but we will review what we need early in the course. We will also make occasional use of some basic representation theory of finite groups (nothing beyond the level of the first few chapters of Serre's Representation Theory of finite groups. We will make occasional references to other topics in number theory (Artin L-functions, modular forms, etc.) for the purposes of motivation but these topics will not be needed to understand the main thrust of the course.

Primary Reference

The main reference for the course is Bushnell-Henniart's The local Langlands conjecture for GL(2) which contains almost everything we will cover in the course.


This is a rough list of the topics we will cover. Note that this plan is on the ambitious side and some pieces will only be sketched.

Motivation: L-functions and the Langlands correspondence
Local fields and local class field theory
The local Langlands correspondence
Two-dimensional representations of W_F
Smooth representations of locally profinite groups
Frobenius reciprocity and Hecke algebras
Parabolic induction and restriction
Cuspidal representations in depth zero
The naive tame correspondence for GL_2
Cuspidal representations in higher depth (sketch)
The naive local Langlands correspondence for GL_2
Zeta integrals and local L- and epsilon- factors
Rectifiers and local Langlands for GL_2
Converse theorems and the uniqueness of the correspondence


Lectures will be on Thursdays from 11 till 1. In the final week of the course there will also be a lecture on Tuesday from 11-1.


Exercises will be posted here occasionally. They are optional, though if you require assessment I may ask you to do some. There are likely to be typos; please let me know if you find any!
Exercises on representations of W_F
Exercises on representations of GL_2


If you need any form of assessment of credit for the course, please contact me and let me know, so we can discuss both how you will be assessed (most likely via some subset of the exercises above!) and what I need to do to get you credit for the course.

Further Reading

Much is known about the local Langlands correspondence for groups well beyond GL_2; here are a few good places to learn more.